Your neighbor is a reporter for the local TV station. She knows that you work at a large medical practice where one of the docto
rs was recently charged with a crime. You are confident the doctor will be cleared of all charges. When you get home one night, your neighbor approaches you, pen and notebook in hand. Select the next step that you think provides the best public relations.
Provide your neighbor only with the name of the person who handles all public relations for the practice.
Tell your neighbor everything you know, but swear her to secrecy.
Tell your neighbor something you know is untrue just to see whether she checks out your information with someone else.
Tell your neighbor that everyone in the practice hates her TV station and hopes all the reporters get fired.
herd immunity is real. It is where you put a bunch of sick people together so that way they get antibodies sooner It did work in the old days. With the new virus, you might not want to try it.