The genotypic ratio of their offspring is 100% Ee.
Hope this helps! God bless
Santi is walking barefoot through his yard when he steps on a sharp rock. The skin on the bottom of his foot sends this information through a(n) <em>sensory</em> neuron to his CNS. A(n) <em>interneuron</em> picks up this information and carries it to <em>motor neurons of the CNS</em>, which sends a signal to the muscles in his foot causing his foot to pull away from the rock.
The scenarios discussed in the question is known as a reflex action. In this action, specific receptors detect specific stimuli. For example, pain in the barefoot due to steeping on a sharp rock was the stimuli. This stimulus was detected by the sensory neurons. The sensory neurons turned this information into a chemical signal which was transported by the interneurons to the motor neurons of the CNS. The CNS detected the signal and gave information for a response as a result of which Santi pulled back his feet.
Q2. The answer is <span>C. Gymnosperms.
The word 'Gymnosperms'<span> is derived from two greek words: 'gymnos' = naked and 'sperm' = seed. Literally, their seeds are naked, i.e. they </span>do not form inside an additional structure. Their seeds develop on the surface of scales modified to form cones. This group of plants <span>include pine trees, cycads, and cedar trees.
Q3. The answer is </span><span>A. Angiosperms.
Angiosperms or flowering plants are seed-producing plants, just like Gymnosperms. Their seeds</span> form inside additional structures known as fruits. This group is the most diverse group of plants and include nearly 300,000 species. Angiosperms include <span>grasses, roses, maple trees, and many other plants with flowers.
Q4. The answer is </span><span>B. Lichen.
Lichen consists of hyphae (just like other fungi) that surround cells of </span><span>green algae or other photosynthetic organisms. This partnership between fungi and algae is known as mutualistic symbiosis. As in any other mutualistic symbiosis, both partners have benefits: fungi gain nutrients from algae and algae gain protection from fungi.
Q5. The answer is <span>C. Vertebrate.
Vertebrates are organisms with an</span><span> interior skeleton, or endoskeleton, and a backbone. Unlike vertebrates, invertebrates do not have a backbone or interior skeleton. The basic body plan of vertebrates includes vertebral column and/or notochord, the gastrointestinal tract below the notochord and the spinal cord above the notochord. Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Q6. The answer is <span>B. Invertebrate.
Invertebrates are organisms without an internal skeleton and backbone. The main difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is that vertebrates have backbone and internal skeleton and invertebrates lack in those structures. Invertebrates</span> include all animals that are not vertebrates and include about 97% of all animals. Some of them are <span>insects, sea anemones, and worms.
Q7. The answer is </span><span>A. Bilateral Symmetry.
Bilateral symmetry </span><span>is symmetry around a single line. That means that only one plane divides an organism into two matching halves, left and right. Thus, this type of symmetry is also known as left-right symmetry. Word 'bilateral' comes from two Latin words: 'bi-' means 'two' and 'latero' means 'side', literally 'bilateral' = 'two sides'. Human beings are the example of organisms with bilateral symmetry.
Q8. The answer is </span><span>C. Asymmetry
Asymmetry means without symmetry. The word 'asymmetry' is derived from two Greek words: 'a-' = 'not' and 'symmetros' = symmetry, <span>commensurable. Not all animals are symmetric. There are some species that show asymmetry, such as some sponges and flatfish.
Q9. The answer is </span><span>B. Radial Symmetry.
A symmetry around any point is radial symmetry. The body of radially symmetric organisms can be divided into equal parts about a central point and they have </span>no left or right side of the body. This type of symmetry is characteristic for sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea anemone, jellyfish, corals.