When a group of tissues work together to perform a particular role in the human body, they make up an organ.
a. ciliary body: focus the pupil
The choroid thickens behind the iris and forms the circular ciliary body. Ciliary muscles are present in the ciliary body. The lens is attached to the ciliary body by ligaments. The function of the ciliary body is to holds lens in place and to serve in accommodation.
When focusing on a distant object, the relaxed ciliary muscles make the lens is flat and the suspensory ligament is taut. When focusing on a near object, the contraction of the ciliary muscles of the ciliary body allows the lens to accommodate. The lens becomes rounded causing the suspensory ligament to relax. Thereby, the ciliary body regulates the shape of the lens for near and far vision.
A. Reflex triggers the need for water
Pruning is the process by which unused connections between neurons are eliminated. This has been studied and scientists believe this process takes place in order to get rid of any damaged or degraded neurons, allowing specific areas of the brain to improve their networking ability. Which is why it is a big area of study in regards to child development.
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