Answer: 2,000 miles.
The Aleutian Trench, which has formed along the convergent boundary and has been produced by the subduction of the oceanic plate, extends for 2,000 miles.
Answer and Explanation:
The sensory information encoded for by the hair cells in the maculae of the saccule and utricule are:
- the direction and strength of mechanical stimuli (polarity information)
- Response to the head's rotational movement
Functions of the otoliths
The otoliths provide balance, movements and serve as directional indicators in vertebrates. They help higher vertebrates in sound detection.
Functions of the vestibular nuclei
- Maintenance of equilibrium and posture
- Modification of muscle tone
- Relays information to the cerebral cortex
- Directing the movements of the head and eye
- Maintaining the line of vision
Older fossils tend to lay in the lower levels of the ground. The further up the fossils are, the more likely you are to find something that looks like today. Think of it as stacking papers with different drawings on them from different ages. Oldest goes on the bottom, newest goes on the top. The older layer stands as more of a foundation point while newer layers are around where we are now.
Las células eucariotas tienen dos funciones primordiales, alimentarse y reproducirse. Las células eucariotas, al igual que las procariotas, llevan a cabo tres funciones esenciales: la nutrición, la relación con el medio y la reproducción. ... Célula con un núcleo definido por una membrana que contiene el material genético.