A volcano talking to the other volcanoes about how he erupted?
Answer: Paramecium are heterotrophs.
Explanation: Their common form of prey is bacteria. A single organism has the ability to eat 5,000 bacteria a day. They are also known to feed on yeasts, algae, and small protozoa.
Hope this will help
The person and the cart are moving together, and being effected by the same kinetic and potential energy.
↪ In our life time, I dont think so
↪ They will be making some robots but I think before any of this happens they will have to find a way to modify genes
↪ By modifying genes this could change people's hair and eye colour build etc
↪ This hasnt had any progress, but is sure to come in the future but I dont think unless there is a scientific revolution that humans will be engineered this way in our life span
He based his hypothesis on a statement made by a dairymaid.