mineral -
This is any element or inorganic compound. It is a naturally occuring solid chemical compound found in pure form. It is commonly found within rocks.
metal -
an element known for is lustrous, opaque, and malleable properties. Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity.
ore -
This is a natural rock from which minerals, elements or metals can be extracted through mining.
alloy -
An alloy is a group of metals or metals that have one or more other elements. Take for example, red gold is a combination of gold and copper while white gold is a combination of silver and gold.
The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
Mold fossils
Cast fossils
Trace fossils
The main structural difference between LDL and HDL is their compositions. Approximately 50% of the weight of an LDL particle is cholesterol and only 25% is protein. High-density lipoprotein particles, on the other hand, consist of 20% percent cholesterol by weight and 50% protein.
Hmm, learning about this what a while back, but i would say (1)