What are the answers given
Because it is meant to be like that for animals , us humans dont need all the stuff that animals do.
Answer: <u>Aphotic</u><u> </u><u>zone</u>
less than 1% of sunlight penetrates the depths of the waters in the Aphotic zone
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Hope this helps :)
There's so much confusion going on between<span> the acronyms </span>RER<span> and RQ. At the state of rest the </span>RER<span>, completely known as the </span>respiratory exchange ratio<span>, is actually the same as RQ or </span>respiratory quotient<span>. ... The RQ is a metabolic </span>exchange<span> of gas </span>ratio<span> that is equal to CO2 production over oxygen uptake </span>