"We face the very real threat of a withering pandemic
Perhaps the most significant development of mathematics during the Renaissance was the invention of infinitesimal calculus by Newton and Leibniz, at the end of the 17th century. This refers to the study of change based around limits, differentials and integration.
- Sampling bias.
Sampling bias is demonstrated as the partiality or bias displayed while selecting the samples(selection of non-random sample with lower sampling probability) for a particular survey or research which eventually affects the conclusion of the .
As per the question, the most significant problem with the given inference would be 'sampling bias' as the samples are not selected on random basis(interviewed people support arts on money basis) which is reflected through the observation that 'a large majority of Americans are willing to support the arts by giving money to local theater groups.' This bias in sampling may affect the validity of the results and lead to a faulty conclusion.
Natural levees
These acts as a natural barrier between the storms and acts as a wall of defense, the Katrina type 3 tropical storm which occurred on the Gulf of Florida and placed more than 4 lakh people.
The u.S. Constitution mandates that a census is taken every ten years for the purposes of deciding how many representatives should be elected from each state.