There is a cost of attending a college. The money and time that you spend on your education is an opportunity cost. You could the same amount of money and time for something else. What else could you do? What kind of lifestyle could you choose? What carrier would you have? All of these questions bear the concept of opportunity cost in this context.
This illustrates "inattentional blindness".
Inattentional blindness which is otherwise called perceptual blindness is a mental absence of consideration that isn't related with any vision deformities or shortages. It might be additionally characterized as the occasion in which an individual neglects to see an unexpected stimulus that is on display. Inattentional blindness basically implies that you miss something directly before you.
D. Organism 1 is a mammal and organism 2 uses seeds to reproduce.
Organism 1 is a deer
Organism 2 is a plant
Mexico's crude oil exports to primary customer, the U.S., have been plummeting. From 2006-2018, shipments to the U.S. fell 60 percent to 720,000 b/d. After lengthy delays, Mexico in 2013 critically passed its Energy Reform to bring in outside investment and expertise to help production rebound.
hope this helps!!!