1. South Africa
2. Violence
3. 1947
Answer: D) To freely trade with the bloc's other member countries.
Free trade means there aren't any tariffs between any two countries. So any two countries can sell whatever goods they want without any extra taxes, fees, etc added on.
Choices A through C all describe situations in which trade is reduced/restricted between any two countries. This makes a nation more independent, but the drawback is that they aren't connected to the global stage as much.
Theoretically in an economic sense, a country is better off being connected more globally because it allows for specialization to happen and it lowers costs. Of course on a practical realistic level, things are more complicated but this is the general idea at least.
Authoritarian parents
Authoritarian parents are not warm and nurturing to their children. They often see their children as their projects and they validate themselves through their children's achievements. They also have very high expectations for their children and not meeting them is a huge disappointment for them. Every mistake a child makes is punished and seen as a failure. Children have no options nor free choices, and have to obey and agree with their parents.
Children of authoritarian parents associate obedience and success with love. An authoritarian personality believes in absolute obedience and submission to someone else's authority which stems from a similar experience in their childhood.
The Teapot Dome Scandal was an American political scandal of the early 1920s. It involved the secret leasing of federal oil reserves at Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming, by Albert Bacon Fall—U.S. Pres. Warren G. Harding's secretary of the interior—to oil tycoons Edward L.
The negative outcome is <span>Inferiority.
During the middle childhood, children will tend to be constantly compared with other peers,whether using beauty, academic achievement, or physical prowess as a standard. This process of comparsion could lead to sense of </span><span>Inferiority if the children never feel that he got any possitive value that favor them int the comparison process among other peers.</span>