I personally think that it would be totally different. You wouldn't be able to see what people look like or be able to hear what they're saying. You'd have to learn braille. I've tried to learn braille and it's very hard. I honestly don't think I'd be able to learn how to read braille. I would also feel really bad for the people that are blind and deaf. Just us having those privileges and they don't makes me feel bad for them.
he four years difference between Scout and Jem is certainly apparent in their behaviors. After Scout has been reprimanded by Miss Caroline for explaining to her that Walter does not want to take the quarter he has been offered by her because she has "shamed" him since there is no way he can repay this quarter since "He's a Cunningham." Naively, Scout assumes that Miss Caroline understands what she means; however, the teacher, who is from another part of the state, does not understand Scout's inferences. Instead, she perceives Scout as insolent and punishes her, humiliating Scout before her classmates, who break into "a storm of laughter."
Once outside at lunchtime, Scout quickly seeks revenge against Walter, knocking him down and rubbing his nose in the dirt. But, Jem comes by and tells her to stop, observing the unfairness of her attack, "You're bigger than he is." Scout retorts, "He's as old as you, nearly....He made me start off on the wrong foot." Then, when Scout explains the circumstances of her rage, Jem, much like Atticus would do, asks him if his father is Mr. Walter Cunningham from Old Sarum and generously invites Walter to have lunch with them, explaining,
"Our daddy's a friend of your daddy's. Scout here, she's crazy--she won't fight you any more."
Certainly, Jem is more mature and diplomatic than Scout, and of a less belligerent nature than she. For instance, Scout indelicately criticizes Walter's use of syrup on his food, and she contradicts Calpurnia who scolds her, saying that she should treat company well. "He ain't company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham." After she leaves to return to school she vows retaliation upon Calpurnia.
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Question: Why doesn’t Jack want to go meet August?
Answer : This is a big deal for August because he had thought that jack was really his friend, but jack was just pretending to be Augusts friend. This causes August to not want to be friends with jack because he thought that jack was really his friend.
The plot can help the reader understand the theme.
who makes laws?----Congress
How are laws enforced------In general, the power of a government entity to enforce the law through investigations, arrests, and the ability to sue suspects on behalf of the public. ... In constitutional law, the name for a provision that expressly authorizes Congress to enforce a constitutional amendment through appropriate legislation.
your communtiny is most likly a democarcy
What happens when a person in the communtiny breaks a law?---If an adult breaks a law in the community or a business or organization does something illegal, they go to the judicial branch of government for review.