Social Security payments help 51 million Americans, The federal minimum wage law makes sure every covered worker gets paid a basic wage, Public water systems provide safe drinking water, and regulations prevent the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors.
Paul revere said that hope this helps :D
He should avoid filter words
If someone is getting an opportunity of being interviewed then it is a great platform to prove yourself. It is a great opportunity for you that you are selected for the interview so being prepared because many times the employee does many mistakes and lost the opportunities and all efforts gone to hell.
- Avoid being looking uninterested
- Avoid being looking as unprepared
- Avoid being sharing too much information.
- Avoid negative body language
- Don't ask a wrong answer at the wrong time
- Being angry
- Don't do any flirting or any in appropriate behavior
- Don't collect contact information for further asking question
Rivers change the surface of the earth. They are the agents of erosion, deposition and transportation. When rivers flow, they erode the rock with them and strong current pushes them. ... After cutting, they carry the stone, pebbles and other solid things and when the current is slow, they deposit the load on the land.
The answer is : C. Both A or B
Advanced stop lines and bike boxes are a same thing.
During the traffic, only cyclists are allowed to cross this advanced stop lines or bike box, preventing them from potential accident