What matters to Amadou is the number of cacao pods he and his younger brother, Seydou, can chop down in a day. The boys wanted to make money to help their impoverished family. It helps Amadou to become determined in doing so because the higher they can make, the closer they are to paying off their debt and returning home.
Traditionalistic culture tends to see the government as an absolute ruler.
In the past, Government had the capability to impose iron fist law to a nation regardless of the opinion of the citizens.
In modern years, a term 'public servants' is much more suitable in describing the role of the Government, since the people are the one basically pay their salary.
All cells has the same DNA but sum are different The differences depend on what parts of the DNA the cell uses in a process called gene expression. Gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors, and influences from the environment can further affect the phenotype in other ways.
Gene expression depends on a constant dialogue between the nucleus and the cytoplasm by University of Geneva Gene expression is the process by which genetic information is used to produce proteins, which are essential for cells to function properly and fulfil their many purposes.
He was not able to preach Islam in Mecca, but he was able to do so in Medina.
Child labor was big back in the 1890s. Children were deprived of their childhood. Instead of playing and having fun they were put to work. Instead of school they had to provide for their family. Ages 10 and up started to work. Most work places like coal mines were very harmful to the kids. Just from breathing the pollution in to cutting them self on work equipment it was a very dangerous place. In 1938 child labor was officially discontinued.