Food poisoning comes from eating foods that contain germs like bad bacteria or toxins. Bacteria are all around us, so mild cases of food poisoning are common. These can cause diarrhea and an upset stomach. When this happens, you might hear your parents call it a stomach bug or stomach virus.
Hope this help!
Three examples of inhumane farming methods:
- Using Antibiotics and hormone to encourage high-yielding animals. The overuse of antibiotics in food-producing animals increases in resistant bacteria and when these bacterias are passed to humans they can cause serious illness.
- Cage hen: to save space the animal are crammed together in cages typically indoors, space where they can barely move around.
- Factory farming is an industrial facility that raises large numbers of farm animals such as pigs, chickens or cows in intensive confinement where their movements are extremely inhibited.
<h3>Further Explanation
Inhumane farming methods is a practice where animals are treated as a commodity to increase productivity. The word inhumane means cruel and heartless. Animals are treated badly, crammed together with little space, limited or no natural light or stimuli and preventing them from normal behaviors such as nesting or foraging. Animals are suffering because of these unnatural and inhumane conditions.
Inhumane farming methods not only bad for the animal but also bad for human health. This method creates other health hazards because of the over-crowded condition and stressful animal which makes it easy for disease to spread.
<h3>Learn more
Humane farming practices
Humane farming
Keywords: inhumane farming methods, factory farming
i will try my best
The risk factor Of this Situation is that I can be kidnapped or get lost.
The outcome of this situation is that I will have to walk a mile after a movie and not be sure or be safe if I will make it home
What I would do to avoid danger I would do what I was taught stranger danger. Besides that I would call my friend and tell him to stay on the call until I get home so that way he knows what am I doing In case of anything he would know. After that I will keep an eye on my surroundings make sure nobody is following. Lastly In case someone is following me I would run home or be in a call with my mom.Of course to avoid all of this I would've just called a taxi.