<h2> ☞ANSWER☜</h2>
<u> </u><u> </u><u> </u><u> </u><u>TRADEMARKS</u>
<h2> ☞EXPLANATION☜</h2>
Trademark Genericide can be defined as the loss of trademark rights when a term enters common usage and consumers begin to denote a particular product than its source. When a trademark becomes the "common descriptive name" of a certain product, the trademark owner will no longer have an exclusive right to its use.9 Jun
I’m new here, but from ur question i think the answers are freedom of expression/speech and the right to peaceable protest
Legislative branch is also called the Congress.
and It is set up into a bicameral legislature, meaning It is a law making body.
The 2 house/ chambers are House of Representatives and The Senate.