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Paulo Freire defines praxis in Pedagogy of the Oppressed as "reflection and action directed at the structures to be transformed." Through praxis, oppressed people can acquire a critical awareness of their own condition, and, with teacher-students and students-teachers, struggle for liberation
Answer: a. priority issues may arise when more than one person receives an assignment of the same rights
d. there is the potential for discharge by performance to the wrong party
When notice is Given to establish the validity of an assignment,t it is always a good idea to avoid the issues of priority that may arise when two ur more persons receive an assignment of the same rights and also to avoid
the potential discharge performance to the wrong party .
You Would Have To Provide Us With The Passage
I believe the Preliminary hearing is the answer.
-Grand jury- has nothing to do with this part. Their job is to look at the evidence once the judge determines that the case can go to trial.
- Arraignment- is when the defendant is read what charges they are going to brought upon.
-Detention hearing- the judge decides whether or not the person should be Detained.