The coil generates a stronger magnetic field. The coil generates a weaker magnetic field. The field generated by the coil has a different polarity than the field generated by the length of wire.
The amount of magnetic field generated by the wire can be calculated if you know the length of wire and current. ... You can add more coils on top of the first row, and this just adds more field strength. In technical terms, every coil of wire increases the "magnetic flux density" (strength) of your magnet.
The coil generates a stronger magnetic field. The coil generates a weaker magnetic field. The field generated by the coil has a different polarity than the field generated by the length of wire.
The first filial generation, will have 4000MN, while the progeny of the new Haldane population will be in the second filial generation 1000 MM + 2000 MN + 1000 NN.