Erica went to the store to buy a loaf of bread and get a gallon of milk. Milk is $2.99 a gallon, and her mom gave her $5 to spen d. Which is a possible cost of the loaf of bread? $2.75
2 answers:
$2.00 because $5-$2.99 is $2.01 which is how much she has left
Two dollars. Since that will total 4.99, the only option within her budget :)
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$30 because 12/6 = 2 so 15 x 2 = 30
Use this equation: A=3.14159r^2
I believe the dryer costs $357.50 there's an easy way to solve this you just divide the given price($585) by 2 and then to one half add $65 and the answer is 65+292.5=357.5
4,5,9,10 just add two to each number
Step-by-step explanation: