Communication was very important because back than they didn't have phones and T.V.s so they had to let people know of the danger soon
becuase we are wise and being wise is also being smart
President carter failed to sympathise for the people of his country. Some say that he was greedy and only did what he did to gain popularity. His decisions werent well thought out as well
Jamestown and Plymouth were two of the colonies that English immigrants settled into when they left England mostly because of Religious freedom.
Option C=> John Maynard Keynes.
The "General theory of employment, interest, and money" was first published in the year 1936 and was authored by John Maynard Keynes. Apart from the book ''general theory of employment, interest, and money", John Maynard Keynes also wrote another book titled " A Treatise on money".
Apart from what was given in the question that is "that large-scale government deficit spending was appropriate during economic downturns" John Maynard Keynes also made sure to explain the reason capitalism can not produces a stable economy. Generally, his book was on how the economy can be stable.