Water is polar and oil is nonpolar so the substances won't mix.
Water is polar covalently bonded within the molecule. This unequal sharing of the electrons results in a slightly positive and a slightly negative side of the molecule. oils are nonpolar, so they will remain separate from molecules of a polar solvent such as water.
The water is colder so you would burn more calories.
Oil sticks to birds preventing them from flying. Whales and dolphins and other creatures that use blow holes can get oil into their respiratory system, making it difficult to breathe. Animals can also ingest the oil. This can be fatal and/or deadly in the short or long term.
To meet the patient's own special needs and circumstances.
-Integrative therapy or treatment focuses on the goals of the patient and family in the context of values, culture, and community. It is a progressive form of psychotherapy that combines different therapeutic tools and approaches to fit the needs of the individual client.
-Integrative therapy is more inclusive of the client than traditional forms of therapy, where the client plays a less active role in treatment.
-Integrative psychotherapists consider the individual characteristics, preferences, needs, physical abilities, spiritual beliefs, and motivation level of their clients and use their professional judgment to decide the best approach to therapy for each client.