The investigators could distinguish human hair from animal hair by the patter of pigmentation and by the medullary index.
The pigmentation in human hairs is denser toward the cuticle, whereas in animal hair is denser toward the medulla. Human hairs are usually one colour throughout the whole length, while animal hairs may change colour suddenly.
The medulla in humans is thinner than in animals: the medullary index for human hairs is 0.33 or less; the medullary index for animal hairs is 0.5 or more.
Firstly, humans did not evolve from monkeys. Instead, monkeys and humans share a common ancestor from which both evolved around 25 million years ago. This evolutionary relationship is supported both by the fossil record and DNA analysis. A 2007 study showed that humans and rhesus monkeys share about 93% of their DNA.
Two species (B & C) are more closely related to one another than either one is to a third species (A) if, and only if, they share a more recent common ancestor with one another (at Time 2) than they do with the third species (at Time 1).