<h2> ☞ANSWER☜</h2>
<u> </u><u> </u><u> </u><u> </u><u>TRADEMARKS</u>
<h2> ☞EXPLANATION☜</h2>
Trademark Genericide can be defined as the loss of trademark rights when a term enters common usage and consumers begin to denote a particular product than its source. When a trademark becomes the "common descriptive name" of a certain product, the trademark owner will no longer have an exclusive right to its use.9 Jun
Generally, in every democratic state, governments promote their public policies based on the needs of their inhabitants. Therefore, public opinion and the facts that affect the population turn out to be decisive factors when the government determines which issues deserve to be addressed and resolved.
Thus, for example, demonstrations, protests or social problems are those that highlight the government regarding an unfavorable situation, so that it passes through Congress the necessary laws destined to improve said situation.
In short, the government is nothing other than the representation of the will of the people. Therefore, its main objective is to solve people's problems and guarantee a better quality of life, with which the daily events that affect them have an enormous weight in determining the public policies to be carried out.
The twenty second amendment