This is known as social infrastructure. These are called social because they are used by all people in a country and are often paid for by the country or the state owns the land on which they are built. When they are private, they often work together with the government.
Supply is the total amount of a good or service that is available to consumers.
Supply refers to the quantity of products or services which a producer is willing to sell or offer its customers at a given price level at a particular point in time. Supply is positively related to the prices given because at higher prices, there is an incentive to supply more as higher prices may cause revenue and profits to increase.
According to Petrarch, the essential qualification for a writer was an appreciation of classical Greek and Roman authors, such as Cicero. Petrarch is considered by many to be the father of the Italian Renaissance. The interest in classical civilizations and Greco-Roman culture reignited a passion for learning and the arts after the Middle Ages. The significance that Petrarch placed on the individual in literature, art, music, poetry, and rhetoric became known as humanism. Today, these subjects are the basis for a classical education in the humanities.