A Petri dish (alternatively known as a Petri plate or cell-culture dish) is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells, such as bacteria, fungi or small mosses. The container is named after its inventor, German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri. It is the most common type of culture plate.
Usually, Populations have a genetic variation among individuals, which is important to the population's ability to survive in different situations that have an effect on the natural selection. There are different factors which can increase or decrease the genetic diversity, and influencing natural selection.
These factors include an environmental factor, one of the major factors, which may cause changes in the genetic variation of a population and influence the natural selection. A famous and important example of environmental factors affecting natural selection was during the Industrial Revolution, when many more grey moths made up the moth population.
This was so that they could blend in with the soot from factories to avoid predators.
The answer is that the equatorial regions receive sun rays closest to the vertical (direct rays) because of their position relative to the equator where the tilting of the earth only mildly affects the climate. The climate along the equator changes very little through out the year and has summer like conditions for most of the year.
However the other regions may receive direct sun rays but for far more limited periods. In the months of July and August (summer months), the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and receives the most direct rays. The opposite occurs in December and January when it is tilted away from the sun and thus winter sets in, whereas the southern hemisphere is at this time tilted toward the sun and receives the most direct sun rays.
Actually, the ELECTRON: Negatively charged particles in an atom. Electrons, which spin around the protons and neutrons that make up the atom's nucleus, are essential to chemical bonding.