The correct answer to the following question is option "b".
The method having the same name but the arguments have different so it is called method overloading. It is a part of the object-oriented programming language (oops).
- In the given code we define same method two times that is "mystery()". but in this method, we pass two different parameters. For the first time, we pass a double variable that is "a" as a parameter. In the second time, we pass an integer variable that is "a" as a parameter and in both functions, we write some codes.
- In the calling time, we call function two times. In first time calling we pass an integer value that is "1" and second time calling we pass double value that is "1.0". So the output of this code is "int! double!".
That's why the option "b" is correct.
No, printed versions of your presentation that contain the slides and blank lines below are not called speakers notes.
Speakers notes are notes that are hidden within a PowerPoint presentation and allowing the speaker to refer back to them during the presentation.
Integer.parseInt( stringVariable );
This function is used to convert the string into integer in java .Following are the program that convert the string into integer in java .
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) // main method
String num = "1056"; // string variable
int res = Integer.parseInt(num); //convert into integer
System.out.println(res); // display result
Therefore the correct answer is:Integer.parseInt( stringVariable );
Yes definitely. now what do you need help with?
Access is a database management system, thus it is not a presentation application.