The epidural anesthesia is a method of pain relief, which is used during the labor pain. It is a well known regional anesthesia. It works by acting as an analgesic, which means a substance that eases the pain, a complete anesthesia or loss of feeling does not occur in the case of epidural anesthesia. It blocks the nerve signals from the lower spinal segments. It is also known as spinal epidural anesthesia or lumbar epidural anesthesia.
Hence, the black can be filled with lumbar.
From the med. terranian basin to the mountains of central asia.
Answer: Decrease
It will decrees because required volume of blood will not be emptied into the pulmonary circulation to reach the lung for oxygenation. Rather blood flows back into the Right atrium ,(regurgitation,) through the these valves during ventricular contraction ( systole)of the Right Ventricle instead to the pulmonary circulation which reduces blood flow leading to volume overload in the heart. Eventually this affects systemic circulation,
18 ATP.
Total 18 ATP are produced because 9 FADH2 are converted into 9 ATP molecules and the earlier 9 ATP molecules are already present in the first b-oxidation process. The first Krebs cycle produces 27 NADH, 9 FADH2 and 9 ATP while on the other hand, the second Krebs cycle produces 9 ATP molecules from 9 FADH2 so total it produces 18 ATP molecules.