What do you mean by items, you mean weapons?
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross developed a theory according to which people go through 5 different stages in the process of dying and grief:
- Denial: First, the person cannot accept the diagnosis from the doctors or can think there is a mistake and that he/she cannot be dying.
- Anger: In this stage, the person gets angry, usually at God, and gets upset and often wonders why is this happening to him/her.
- Bargaining: During this stage, the person says <u>she would do anything in exchange for not dying, he/she will make promises</u> (go to church, be a better person) to survive. These promises are usually made to God.
- Depression: The person accepts that bargaining will not work and will start a process of sadness, starting to recognize the reality of death.
- Acceptance: The person has come to terms with the fact that he/she is going to die and starts saying her goodbyes and reviews the life he/she has lived and makes arrangements referring to her/his death.
In this example, Janice is dying of cancer and she promises God that she will devote her life to church if he lets her live. We can see that s<u>he is bargaining and promising something in exchange for not dying</u>. Therefore, we can see that she is exhibiting the response of bargaining.
Mexican american war and manfest destany read your history book
Umm should I still answer this ??
Answer: Honeymoon effect
Explanation: The Honeymoon effect is that period after the marriage, which is usually carried out on a honeymoon travelling, although it may not always be the case, so it is primarily the period after the marriage, and when the partners idealise one another. It is a psychological state where partners experience increased levels of energy and when it comes to love and being in love. Because of the increase in energy and infatuation, the partners are usually unrealistic in evaluating each other, more precisely, overestimating each other and this usually does not take a long time. Partners are prone to bias and magnanimity, and when this period is over, and usually it is over, one can see how well the partners can truly work together, that is, if there really is a true love that begins to pass the maturity exam.