<span>The researchers investigated two types of dough tossing: single tossing and multiple tossing. In single tossing (when tossing the dough from rest), they found that the optimal motion is a helical, or spiral-like, trajectory. As the scientists explain, when the dough is at rest, torque (twist) must be transferred to the dough via sliding or static friction. When the dough is in the air, its airborne rotational speed matches the rotational speed the chef gives it at the moment of separation. For this reason, single tosses follow a spiral-like trajectory.</span>
Laryngopharynx. The laryngopharynx, (Latin: pars laryngea pharyngis), also known as hypopharynx, is the caudal part of pharynx; it is the part of the throat that connects to the esophagus.im not sure its root word