Podemos suponer que este estudiante tiene insuficiencia de la hormona de crecimiento (somatotropina) que la secreta la glándula hipófisis y se encuentra en la base del cerebro. Esta hormona no ingresa a las células en su mecanismo de acción por ser peptídica o no esteroidea.
En este caso presentado se encuentra una situación diferente a lo que sucede en el gigantismo: hay un problema hormonal en donde la hormona de crecimiento es secretada de manera excesiva. Recibe el nombre de acromegalia cuando sucede después del cierre de la epífisis del hueso, luego de la edad de crecimiento.
Las coyunturas
Some practices from the recommended list of physical/cultural control that you could do year-round to help control pests are as follow:
1. We can use those plant species that are more competitive. These plant species include release of chemical toxins that suppress other plants and insects.
2. Use of large Hight quality seeds.
3. By using narrow spacing in row and increasing seeding rate.
4. By using shallow seeding technique which allow desired plant species to grow and develop faster above the surface of soil.
5. By ensuring that our plant species is perfectly placed in that growing environment which is optimized with every specs.
6. By rotating the crops
7. By rotating plant species with different growing cycles and seasonal cycles.
8. By rotating herbicides with alternative modes of action to delay the herbicide resistance development.
They are know as heterozygous alleles.
Two IDENTICAL alleles are known as homozygous<em> </em>alleles.
I hope this helps you understand the difference, and as always, I am joyous to assist anyone at any time.