A gene pool changes throughout evolution this could be natural selection, genetic drift or a mutation. A gene pool does this to adapt with the needs of the environment it is in
Answer: A) Increased GI mobility
Explanation: They sympathetic nervous system inhibits the activity if the stomach, therefore, GI mobility decreases and does not increase. The parasympathetic nervous system is the one that increases the GI mobility.
1. add heat and components with lower boiling points will evaporate while heavier molecules will turn back into liquid
2. vapor reaching the top of the column is collected in an industrial condenser
3. substances remaining the the column continue the process
The graph table population is continuously increasing until 2007
Western boundary currents flow toward the poles. Surface ocean currents flow clockwise, southward in the South, and northward in the North.
Differently from western boundary currents, eastern are flowing in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and a counterclockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere.