The answer is themes.
Power point displays many <u>themes</u>
A power point theme is a combination of effects,fonts and colors that can be applied to the presentation.It makes the presentation more attractive and beautiful if used properly and smartly.Power point has built in themes that gives excellent start to your presentation.
The term used to passed one computer to another is called a packet
A weak fuel to air mixture along with normal airflow through a turbine engine may result in <u>a lean die out</u>.
Lean die out is a type of problem that may occur in the turbine. This may result in the weak fuel to air mixture. In case if the mixture of fuel and air is getting low due to some reasons like leakage of gas or low speed of engine may result in dangerous conditions such as fire or blast in the turbine. This is called lean die out. In the result of this problem, the turbine can be burn with the blast and may leads to causalities.
The value of myArray2[index2] when index1 = 12 is 30
In the source code, the formula for myArray2[index2] is;
myArray2[index2] = index2 + index3 + myArray1[index1],
myArray1[index1] = index1 * 2,
index2 = index % 10 (equal to the remainder) and
index3 = index % 8
When index1 increases to 12 in the for-loop statement, the "myArray1[index1]" is equal to 24, index2 is equal to 2 and index3 is 4. The total sum is equal to 30 and assigned to "myArray2[index2]".