Explanation: Competitive advantage is a term used in business or economics to refer to Opportunity gained by a business organization over others either through REDUCED PRICE,BETTER QUALITY OF PRODUCT OR SERVICE,THROUGH ECONOMIES OF SCALE, THROUGH INNOVATION etc an organization with a good Competitive advantage will generate more Revenue compared to others. Competitive advantage helps to make an organization better than others.
The correct word for the blank space is: policy protection; corrections.
Policy protection is related to the regulation of individuals' reckless behavior such as <em>abuse or trafficking of drugs, theft, domestic violence, school safety, and juvenile misbehavior</em>. Local governments -counties and districts- have the power to enforce law over those matters until their jurisdiction allows it.
Criminal corrections involve all the penalties a state must impose on individuals who committed improper behavior and were against the law, thus, they must be punished.
The analysis for this type of situation has been presented elsewhere here.
- The face of something like a coin would be typically referred to as one of the head, although it sometimes describes this same head of such a high profile individual, as well as the back of the tail.
- Throughout disciplines of diploma nearby numismatic coins, this same phrase area has been more frequently than using front, when the utilization of opposite direction has been widely spread.
The Things They Carried is a collection of short stories by Tim O'Brien, about a platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam War.
the formula in cell F5 =IF(AND(B5="FT",C5>0),0.07*(D5-E5),0.05*(D5-E5))
Check attachment for the given data and solution data