If you're looking for a fraction:
Think of it this way, the 9 is in the 10th place. The 6 is in front of the decimal. So, it's 69/10. The 10 takes the place of the 9, the "/" is the decimal moved to the right one space.
If you're looking for a mixed number:
You basically split the above fraction "69/10" up into two separate pieces. So, it's
6 9/10.
7 Zuchini, 14 Cucumbers and 22 Tomatoes plants.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Let the number of tomatoes=t
- Let the number of cucumber planted=c
- Let the number of zucchini planted=z
- Total Number of Plants=43
She planted twice as many cucumbers as zucchini, this is written as:
She also planted eight more tomatoes than cucumbers, this is written as:
In total, she planted 43 plants
Divide both sides by 5
Number of Cucumbers, c=2z=2 X 7 =14
Number of Tomatoes, t=c+8=14+8=22
Therefore, she planted 7 Zuchini, 14 Cucumbers and 22 Tomatoes plants.
Step-by-step explanation:
a. 246,913,578
b. 0.3+0.33+0.333+0.3333+0.33333+0.333333+0.3333333+0.33333333+0.333333333 =2.962962963
Kiera walked at a faster rate because after one hour, she would've walked 3.5 miles. Aiden walked 2 2/3 in hour.
5<x<=100 x∈(5;100] hope this helps