All of the numbers are even so 2
Answer: 2
You have to graph the first one so you would do total cost=1.25*lb
A. turn all fractions into decimals or all decimals into fractions; I've decided to turn all fractions into decimals
------- = 0.525
-- = 0.75 = 0.750 ~ (add a zero at the end to make the decimal places 4 equal with 0.525)
0.55 = 0.55 = 0.550 ~<span>(add a zero at the end to make the decimal places equal with 0.525 and 0.750)
<span> Answer to Problem 'a':</span>
Smallest = 0.525 = 525
Middle = 0.550 = 0.55
Largest = 0.750 = 3
b. <span>turn all fractions/mixed fractions into decimals or all decimals into fractions; I've decided to turn all fractions/mixed fractions into decimals
3.805 = 3.805
3.85 = 3.850 ~ ( <span>add a zero at the end to make the decimal places equal with 3.805)
3 4/5 = 80
----- = 0.80 =0.800 ~ (add a zero at the end to make the decimal
100 places equal with 3.805 and 3.850)
Answers to Problem 'b':
Smallest = 0.800 = 0.80 = 3 4/5
Middle = 3.805 = 3.805
Largest = 3.850 = 3.85