More people are willing to have children if they believe there future will be prosperous and that they will be able to afford it
Answer: the colonists felt like the government had to much power
Explanation: they had power over everything colonists had not say in anything
nepal has kept bilateral relationship with 168 countries
Scalawags, just as carpetbaggers, were welcomed in the south by those who supported the reconstruction after the Civil War. They were disliked by nationalists and racists such as the KKK which even threatened that they would lynch them or hang them or similar.
<span>well, no one knows why the first generation of mayas disappeared leaving their communities uninhabited.... but some of these cities are Tikal, Uaxactún, Piedras Negras, Cancuén, Caracol, Yaxhá, Naranjo, Xultún, Río Azul, Naachtún, Dos Pilas, Machaquilá, Aguateca, Palenque, Yaxchilán, Kankí,Bonampak, Quiriguá, Tulum, Edzná, Oxquintok, Ceibal, Xamantún, Copán, San Andrés, Yaaxcanah, Cobá, El Cedral, Ichpaatún, Kantunilkín, Kuc (Chancah), Kucican, Tazumal, Las Moras, Mario Ancona, Muyil, Oxlakmul, Oxtancah, Oxhindzonot, Pasión de Cristo, Río Indio, San Antonio III, Nohkuo Punta Pájaros, San Manuel, San Miguel, Punta Molas, Tamalcab, Templo de las Higueras, Tupack, Xlahpak, Tzibanché y Kohunlich.</span>