Option C.
Thomas Jefferson paraphrased John Locke in the Declaration of Independence, is the right answer.
John Locke was a philosopher during the Enlightenment period whose executive theories did not support the elected assembly based on inheritance. His views and opinions about the state in the work "Two-Treatises of Government" urged Thomas Jefferson at the time while he drafted the Declaration of Independence for American colonies. Locke suggested opinions about the centrality of resources in human freedom and the beliefs of natural law (which asserts that everyone takes birth with natural rights).
I believe your answer is C.
Hope this helps!
FD Roosevelt (C)
A gathering of government projects and approaches set up under President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930's; the New Deal was intended to enhance conditions for people enduring in the Great Depression.The Progressive Party was an outsider in the United States shaped in 1912 by previous President Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential selection of the Republican Party to his previous protege, officeholder President William Howard Taft.
The Connecticut Compromise was a political pact carried out at the time of the sanction of the Constitution of the United States, in the year 1787, by means of which the states of the United States agreed to the organization of the Legislative Power of the United States, creating a bicameral Congress with a Senate organized with an equal representation among the states, and a House of Representatives with a representation proportional to the population of each state.
The creation of the League of Nations