Dirilis: Ertugrul or Resurrection: Ertugrul
Ertugrul is known as one of the highest-grossing historical novels of the Turkish series industry. This series has reached a large audience all around the world. It is not only watched in Turkey but also in the Middle East, in Europe and Asia.
"and he would go tot work and bore me nearly to death with some infernal reminiscence of this as long and tedious as it should be to me"
"Simon Wheeler backed me into a corner and blockaded me there with his chair, and then sat down and reeled off the monotonous narrative…"
Then there's another one when Simon talks about the frog's talents: "you never see a frog so modest and trightforward as he was, for all he was so gifted"
I hope this helps!
i agree on the point of banning homework. some homework is always like a grade up for me or even the stuff im the worst at when everyone else gets the things where they r best at and its just not fiar for sometimes. including how some teachers give one or 2 students like 188 pages of it. most the time when its one kid its me. i have a dog, who loved papper every week we have to buy more and more papper so we can print! but sometimes in lucky that she eats most of it and stop her from finishing eating it all, and u can SEE the bit marks of a dog on the papper. the teacher says that we need to sell her, but she is the one dog we have not lost after 15 years, who is pregnent and that ive had for half my life. but if homework is banned from some schools, it would be amazing!!!!! totaly agree with u