The word DoS refers to the Disk Operating System. In the case given above, if it happens that there is a distributed DoS attack, the attacker then sends messages directly to the BOTS. Bots refer to internet or web robots. Hope this answer helps. The answer is the first option.
1.word = "George slew the dragon"
startIndex = word.find('dr')
endIndex = startIndex + 4
drWord = word[startIndex:endIndex]
2. sentence = "Broccoli is delicious."
sentence_list = sentence.split(" ")
firstWord = sentence_list[0]
The above snippet is written in Python 3.
1. word is initialized to a sentence.
Then we find the the occurence of 'dr' in the sentence which is assign to startIndex
We then add 4 to the startIndex and assign it to endIndex. 4 is added because we need a length of 4
We then use string slicing method to create a substring from the startIndex to endIndex which is assigned to drWord.
2. A string is assigned to sentence. Then we split the sentence using sentence.split(" "). We split based on the spacing. The inbuilt function of split returns a list. The first element in the list is assigned to firstWord. List uses zero based index counting. So. firstWord = sentence_list[0] is use to get first element.
Cyberbullying overlaps with discriminatory harassment
Functions with a boolean return type.
If the return type is boolean, the only possible values are true or false.