The correct answer is deductive reasoning. Deductive
reasoning is defined as a logical deduction wherein it process reasoning from
one or more statements in reaching or achieving the logically certain
conclusion that one wants to obtain. Deductive reasoning is sometimes referred
to as the top-down logic.
Tendency to engage in charity is strongest for religious individuals were religious behavior is a matter of personal choice.
A religious individual
This is often refered to as someone who tries in every possible way to live his or her life in accordance with his or her faith. Those who regularly engages in religious activities is termed "religious".
This is often known as an organized and collective belief or faith system.
Intrinsic religiosity
This kind of religiosity deals with the fact that it is an individual's primary motive in life and it is the driving force in their life while Extrinsic religiosity is religiosity motivated by external, non-religious rewards.
Helping is the act of rendering assistance to fellow human being especially those of the same faith.
Religion is not enforced but mostly a matter of personal choice. One can decide to be in it or not. Religious people most times are actively involved in charity so as to render help,draw people to their faith or make the world a better place.
Autocracy it also can be a monarchy or a dictatorship
1. Health Care.
2. Defense.
3. Interest Payments.
4. Social Security.
5. Medicare.
1 ) <u>Health Care: </u>There are no costs to escape from health care. And interestingly enough, just as much of the tax bill goes to the services of health care as it does to the military. Medicaid, the government's health insurance program for the poor, is supported by about 45%. The rest fund things such as the Children's Health Insurance Program and programs for consumer health.
2 ) <u>Defense:</u> Spending on the military and national defense consumes 15% of the national budget. It's important to note, too, that this doesn't count spending on veterans benefits. Our defense spending has increased since 2000. Although spending took a downturn under President Barack Obama, President Donald Trump has signaled he wants to boost it significantly in coming years.
3 ) <u>Interest Payments</u>: This is simply the cost of maintaining our national debt that we end up paying. National debt is always a topic for discussion, and it has risen dramatically with the volatile times over the past few decades.
4 ) <u>Social Security</u>: Social Security investment was, by a long shot, the federal government's single biggest expense. Government spending on social security is consuming about a quarter of the entire federal budget, according to Pew Research.
5 ) <u>Medicare</u>: Medicare eats up a significant portion of the federal budget at 15%. This is one of those health care-related expenditures expected to continue ballooning in coming years— and one that will require some type of reform to fix. Medicare is, of course, incredibly important for a huge portion of the American population, so it's not as easy as making draconian cuts.