The answer is a desirable outcome. In an approach-approach, the individual is faced with the necessity of making a choice between two (or more) desirable goals. Since both goals are desirable, this is the least worrying situation. "Shall I fly or take a boat to Europe?" might be easily determined if both means of travel are seen as pleasurable. Such situations produce a state of unstable equilibrium. As soon as one goal is approached, its desirability increases and completely dominates, thereby making the choice easy. The choice becomes easier the closer one moves toward either goal. Another example is when a person pick between two attractive and practicable careers, may lead to some indecisiveness but rarely to great distress. A person chooses the most convenient goal that results to a desirable outcome.
Enlightenment occurs once one is accepted into the tradition by a priest.
Esoteric Buddhism is the teaching common in the Asian part of the world. In this religion, it teaches that, the practitioner can create a special bond with the a guardian called Buddha Bodhisattva, or deity during their initiation. This will lead to enlightenment of the individual in question. Some of the main teachings include:
Respect for life.
Respect for others' property.
Respect for our pure nature.
Respect for honesty. and
Respect for a clear mind
Atoms and molecules however atoms are smaller than molecules
Federal court is the court system that is charged with handiling violations of the US constitution.
They were really worried if they had to get involved in WWl (world war 1) and if they had to go out fighting and one more tension was that if they were gonna have to take part in it.