India has a high volume of Child trafficking. There have been many cases where children just disappear overnight, as many as one every eight minutes, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.[1] In some cases, children are taken from their homes to be bought and sold in the market. In other cases, children are tricked into the hands of traffickers by being presented an opportunity for a job, when in reality, upon arrival they become enslaved. In India, there is a large number of children trafficked for various reasons such as labour, begging, and sexual exploitation. Because of the nature of this crime; it is hard to track; and due to the poor enfrcement of laws, it is difficult to prevent.[] Because of this, it is impossible to have exact figures regarding this issue. India is a prime area for child trafficking to occur, as many of those trafficked are from, travel through or destined to go to India. Though most of the trafficking occurs within the country, there is also a significant number of children trafficked from Nepal and Bangladesh.[] There are many different causes that lead to child trafficking, with the primary reason being poverty and weak law enforcement. The traffickers that take advantage of children can be from another area in India, or could even know the child personally. Children who return home after being trafficked often face shame from their communities, rather than being welcomed home.
N the 1600s, the Dutch West India Company was more powerful and
successful than Microsoft, IBM, or General Motors today. The Company's
thousands of employees had one primary goal: to make money. Investors in
the Dutch West India Company were fortunate. Its annual profits went as
high as 200 or 300 percent. (In comparison, a strong stock today might
return yearly profits of 20 or 30 percent.) In the pursuit of profits,
the Company traded commodities such as spices, sugar, fur, and slaves.
It also fought battles against Spain to gain new territory.
The Dutch West India Company was an offshoot of the Dutch East India
Company, which funded Henry Hudson's voyage to North America in 1609. If
Hudson could find a secret shortcut to Asia, the Company would make
even more profits.
Hudson failed at this mission, his dazzling reports of fur trading
opportunities inspired merchants. About fifteen years later, the Company
sent over some thirty families as colonists and workers. They called
the new colony "New Amsterdam." Later renamed New York, it would grow
into one of the greatest cities in the world.
1. Hobbes’s major influence was what he experienced during the English civil wars, as, since he was a royalist, he was afraid of persecution if parliament went against the king.
2. Hobbes presented the argument that the only correct form of government is an absolute monarchy. The reason for this is so that all important decisions can be carried out/decided upon quickly by one, intelligent ruler.
3. Hobbes’s ideas of people being selfish influenced groups such as the federalists,which wanted to have the U.S. Constitution
Empathy for them, because they intend to gain something
Research has found an answer to the question of whether people will help out-group and in-group members. People help their in-group members because of the feeling of empathy for them and out-group members because of what they stand to gain.
Individuals in a group feel more closely knitted together and hence feel more affected by the disadvantage of any of their member, thus they are more likely to help that member because of the feelings of empathy towards him, a hurt to one is a hurt to all. On the contrary, when people help individuals they are not in the same group with, they do so with the hope of getting something in return, maybe financial benefits or any other type of benefit.