In mid-April, 1687, Katherine “Kit” Tyler nears the end of her voyage aboard the Dolphin brigantine from her birthplace in Barbados to her first visit to North America. Kit’s initial excitement wavers as the shoreline comes into view at the dreary port of Saybrook, Connecticut. She accompanies the crew, who take Mistress Eaton, Nat’s mother, to shore in a longboat before proceeding on the journey’s final leg to Wethersfield, where Kit’s family lives.
This sentence can't be broken apart, so it isn't complex or compound.
too many direct quotations will lead to the paper becoming more of a 'playground' for quoted texts rather than contain the actual research words of the writer.
What does the idiom, "it's raining cats and dogs" mean?
We can collaborate on the project together.
These artifacts are from the Neolithic Era.
Teacher, may I please use the lavatory?
If the structure isn't built right, the ceiling could collapse!
What is the isotherm on the map?
The medicine will help alleviate the pain.