(a) Planning
The <u>work breakdown structure consists of the tasks required to accomplish a project goal, arranged into sections.</u>
It is usually developed at the <u>planning stage</u> of project management, before other project activities are carried out.
Selection occurs when subjects who may be unrelated but have similar variables or factors and because of those similar features each oneauve be mistake for the other one.
A person may recognise someone as familiar only because the person their are familiar with Also has the same hair cut and shape of the head or even their height is the same as a result of these similar features the one may be mistaken for the other.
People tend to make systematic and predictable mistakes in their thinking. These mistakes are called biases.
Humans are not perfect decision makers. Everyday humans make numerous decisions and try their best to be rational. But many times, our cognitive limitations prevent us from doing so. In systematic and predictable ways, we do drift away from perfection. Even if we take each step properly to make a decision by first defining the problem, then thinking of alternatives for the solution and then take a decision, one is bound to get affected by cognitive thinking. Such mistakes that humans make are called biases. They affect the judgement of even a very talented human being.
You think some more about what happened on your way home. You realize that your colleague is but one person; who knows how many other people out there think like her? It helps to change people's racial stereotypes and attitudes, but the only way real change can come about is if our institutions and systems implement policies that promote racial equality. You suddenly feel angry. What if redlining still goes on because real estate companies are filled with people who think like your colleague? What policies exist to stop such institutionalized prejudice?