It cost Evan $17.70 to send 177 text messages. How many text messages did he send if he spent $19.10?
I cant do this
b- The heat capacity ratio increases but output temperature don’t change
The heat capacity is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a body, by 1 degree. On the other hand, the specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a of unit mass of a material by 1 degree.
Heat capacity is an extensive property meaning its value depends on the amount of material. Specific heat capacity is found by dividing heat capacity by the mass of the sample, thus making it independent of the amount (intensive property). So if the specific heat capacity increases and the mass of the sample remains the same, the heat capacity must increase too. Because of that options c and d that say that heat capacity reamins same are INCORRECT.
On the other hand, in which has to be with options a and b both say that the heat capacity increases which is correct, but about the output temperatures what happens is that if we increase the specific heat capacity of both fluids that are involved in a process of heat exchange in the same value, the value of the output temperatures do not change so only option a is CORRECT.
Soil provides nutrients, water, and minerals for plants and trees, stores carbon, and is home to billions of insects, small animals, bacteria, and many other microorganisms.