A microprocessor is a programmable chip that incorporates in itself the functions of a computer's central processing unit. It contains millions of small components such as transistors and resistors. In fact, the microprocessor is sometimes called the CPU itself as it contains an Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU), a control unit and register array.
They work at a very high speed due to the components that they contain and are available at relatively low cost. They are portable, reliable and compared to vacuum tubes, they generate less heat.
<em>Hope this helps!</em>
Both Table and Format as Table can be used to create a table
Debevec is using the light of his team because this and that and because it’s manipulated
The United Nations currently recognizes 180 currencies that are used in 195 countries across the world the United States dollar is a popular currency and about 66 countries either peg their currency to the US dollar or use it as their currency