Geographically, the state of Ohio falls within the lines of latitude of 75 °W and 90 °W. The timezone corresponding to this portion of the globe is eastern standard time (EST). The prime meridian at 0 °, has the timezone greenwich mean time (GMT) from which all other timezones are referenced. And eastern standard time, local time in Ohio, will be 5 hours behind GMT.
The correct output of this question is "Sneezy Sleepy".
In the given code firstly we create the object of the integer class that is first in this we pass the integer value that is 7. Then we declare another second integer variable is this variable we pass object as a reference. Then we use the two conditional statements. In the first, if block we check that the object of the class is equal to the reference variable. If it is true it prints Sneezy. otherwise, it will print Grumpy. In second if block we check that the object of the class is equal to the reference variable. but in this time we the equals() function it is the same as(==). If the condition is true it prints Sleepy. otherwise, it will print Doc. So the output of the code is Sneezy Sleepy.
I believe in this case you would be using Clip Art.
Smart Art is used on words to make graphics usually.
Graphs are not pictures
Shapes are completely different