To feed nutrianse to the baby. whe the mother eats that goes to the umbilical cord and gives it nutriance
when they hit it at too shallow of an angle it causes them to curve away
Answer: Polyploidy
Polyploidy is defined as the phenomenon by which cells, tissues or organisms with three or more complete sets of chromosomes originate. Such cells, tissues or organisms are called polyploids.
If the genomes of a polyploid species come from the same ancestral species, it is said to be autopolyploid or autoploid. And if they come from two different ancestral species, it is said to be allopolyploid or alloploid. <u>Depending on the number of complete chromosome sets that the species has it is called triploid (3X), tetraploid (4X), pentaploid (5X), hexaploid (6X) and so on, where X is the monoploid number, and not to be confused with the haploid number.
Redundant genetic elements of polyploid organisms can be transformed into single copies by sub-functionalization, neofunctionalization mechanisms or by the appearance of certain mutations.
<u>Two populations are sympatric when they exist in the same area and thus frequently encounter one another. </u>In general, different species cannot interbreed and produce healthy and fertile offspring due to barriers known as reproductive isolation mechanisms. Polyploidy speciation is common in plants but rare in animals. So, animal species are much less tolerant of changes in ploidy. For example, human embryos that are triploid or tetraploid are not viable, cannot survive.
Not really, that would be more like a cell wall. Cytoplasm is like the broth in chicken noodle soup, it contains all the chicken and vegetables.
Three examples of marine genetically engineered organisms are:
1. AquAdvantage salmon is genetically engineered Atlantic salmon modified in order to achieve fast growth. A growth hormone-regulating gene of Pacific salmon is introduced in the genome of Atlantic salmon.
2. Grass carp was also modified by scientist in order to enhance its protection from contagious diseases. It has been modified with a transgene coding for lactoferrin (antibacterial function). So, the, survival rate of the modified Grass carp was doubled comparing to nonmodifeied fish.
3. Zebrafish is the most commonly used for modification because it has 1-cell embryo, with clear chorion so it is easy to be micro-injected with transgenic DNA.