Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type ... Of Mice and Men ... George and Candy call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart. ... her beauty is her power, and she uses it to flirt with the ranch hands and make ... the reader to dislike her and see her as the downfall of the men in the story
Instinct theory
As per the motivation theory of instinct actions of all organisms are motivated by their instincts. According to this theory, all creatures are born with innate biological tendencies that enable them to survive in this world. Here, instinct is referred to as an organism's innate tendency to participate in some unlearned behavior. As per the question, Hannah's belief is most compatible with the instinct theory of motivation.
Muslims wear ihram when they circumbulate the ka'abah
R→ M
See truth table in the attachment
Arguement is valid as it is always true as a whole.
logical statement
(R→M) ^ (W→M) → (R→W)
Based on the results in truth table, as the argument always holds true it is a valid arguement
19th; self-made manhood
Anthony Rotundo, an instructor in history and social sciences refers to the 19th century as the era of self-made manhood in his famous book titled American Manhood. He stressed that mahood is man made because an explicit emphasis on developing the individualistic character qualities such as self-control and independent decision-making considered necessary for manhood became more important