Adding more links to the page.
User experience design, UED, is a concept or a process of software development application life cycle that graphically presents a clients project to reflect the needs, want and interactivity of the users.
There are certain principles that governs the design of user interactive web and mobile interfaces. A user interface has to be simple, easy to interact with, give a good feel, signing into email, phone, laptop, mobile app etc, should also be made easy.
Covering the screen with link, makes it difficult to navigate without triggering a link.
In the time complexity, the array-list can easily be accessible any type of element in the the given list in the fixed amount of time.
On the other hand, the linked list basically require that the list must be traversed from one position to another end position.
The Array-List can get to any component of the rundown in a similar measure of time if the file value is know, while the Linked-List requires the rundown to be crossed from one end or the other to arrive at a position.
following types of databases available in the market −
Centralised database.
Distributed database.
Personal database.
End-user database.
Commercial database.
NoSQL database.
Operational database.
Relational database.
Cloud database.
Object-oriented database.
Graph database
When we declare a variable as reference type we have to initialize that variable otherwise the compiler will give error that the reference variable is not initialized.You also cannot initialize the variable Foo& with NULL value because it is a reference variable and we have to initialize it.
On the other there is no need to initialize the variable Foo * since it is a pointer it can also store NULL value.
So the answer is only Foo* can store NULL value not Foo &.