The questions from this lot which could be tested in a scientific manner would be "what causes some people to be color-blind"
"what are the best shoes to wear when exercising"
Both of these questions can be tested in a scientific way through an experiment.
In DNA replication, gaps between newly synthesized segments of DNA and existing segments of DNA are sealed by enzymes called<u> ligases</u>, which form covalent bonds between the two segments.
During DNA replication, there is a continuous strand of DNA and fragments of DNA called Okazaki fragments. The DNA ligase will join the Okazaki fragments using ATP's energy and creating a covalent bond between the phosphate of a nucleotide in an Okazaki fragment and the sugar of a nucleotide in another Okazaki fragment. As a result, there are two continuous DNA fragments.
The cell wall of gram-negative bacteria is thin (approximately only 10 nanometers in thickness), and is typically comprised of only two to five layers of peptidoglycan, depending on the growth stage. In gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall is much thicker (20 to 40 nanometers thick).
Eukariotic cells have nuclei, while prokaryotic cells do not.