True, this is correct. There is no relation between page purpose and page quality, because the way they rate the quality of the page depends on the appearance and content of the page.
Insert Tab option
You can add a shape your word, excel or PowerPoint document to
make a drawing. To do this in MS Word, click on the Insert tab, and in the illustration
group, click on the shapes option. Click the shapes or callouts that you would
like to insert and then drag to place the shape anywhere in the document.
Some devices that depend on gravity to function include scales, showers, and satellites, to list a few.
<h2>Yes the swap method exchange parameter values if passed by reference or the value gets changed inside the function.</h2>
Since the program is not given, I will try to guide you about the mode of parameters.
The meaning of swap is interchanging the values. It can be done by using temporary variable or without using it (if the values are integers).
While passing the parameters, there are two ways, call by value/pass by value and call by reference/ pass by reference.
If call by value, then the value gets swapped only inside the function and will not reflected in the calling portion. Call by reference is other way round.
RADIUS is the networking protocol that is used for the purpose of authentication to access the network resources. The full form of RADIUS is Remote Authentication Dial In User Service. It is used by different organizations, which setup their own network that can be accessible through VPN, DSL or modems through different networks. The purpose of this protocol is to establish the security and authentication mechanism by organization itself.
So, If an administrator needs to set up an authentication server for users connecting to a network through a VPN, he should establsih the RADIUS based Server.